lightkeeper under the blanket

Tuesday, April 23

on TV right now: a mexican religious group that combines catholic and mayan beliefs. they have a healing ceremony in which the central sacrament is coca-cola--administered to encourage burping, in order to expel evil spirits.

it's been a strange day. saw "y tu mama tambien" with marie and her ukrainian friend. had a couple drinks. joined K, stan, et al at our pub. madness. everyone was out of control and there was a table of rat-assed american students. one of their women folk was celebrating her 21st. she kissed several members of her group, male and female. she apparently had already hit on K before i got there. then she puked all over the bathroom door. ah well. i've been there. the puking part anyway... yeah, so stan was being stupid and i was laughing at it all but really i was glad to get home. K sleeps while i type and watch TV.

i am learning a lot of patience in my life. i think it's good for me. but damn it's difficult.

oh, and today was the first hebrew class in the term. it was *so* good to be back with my awesome hebrew professor and my two fellow students. sunny breezy outside, coffee and time magazine during an extralong break. grammar.


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