bad things about today:
* mike and i got into a fight on the phone while i was at work and i was afraid a customer would come in and see me crying
* my first psych experiment (relax, they're fun and harmless) was cancelled so i only made $10 doing that today
* i just broke one of my dinner plates
good things about today:
* i found ten dollars in a parking lot plus i made $10 off another experiment, wherein i got to watch children explaining math while remembering random sequences of letters
* when i got home, i found a beautiful necklace and pair of earrings mike got me to match a shirt i haven't worn yet
* i got up in time to make breakfast, had cash for lunch, remembered to bring a banana, and participated in class!
* it doesn't matter as much as i thought it did that i still have an incomplete grade for a previous course
you are a makes you happy...awwwww. It looks like the good things outweigh the bad things...I am glad to see that. What did you have for lunch? (I am always interested in what other people eat...foooooooddddd). And I don't know if it was you that posted on my journal about George Peppard...I can't figure it out.
Anonymous, at 8:27 PM
do you still work where you used to work?
I am glad you found money. And jewelry. and good things in life.
Anonymous, at 11:00 PM
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