home was just dandy. i saw the old people and the young people and the people in between. (i did not see J because i wasn't ready for the family of alcoholics just yet. and he still owes me $$$.) we completely succeeded in surprising my dad, which was the goal of my trip home. for his birthday dinner i made cucumber soup, filet mignon wrapped in bacon with a pinot noir and mushroom sauce, and mashed potatoes. i had a broccoli pot pie, yum. :) it was relaxing. and it was nice to be at home when i was sick instead of here.
tim, don't be jealous, but last night i went to see M.I.A. in concert. she fucking rocks, but here's the thing: when i go to see a show i want someting that's not on the CD. and the only things that happened there that weren't on the album were a salt n' pepa sample and a jay-z sample or something. the rest of it was word for word. and it was a sold-out crowd that knew every word. that was very heartening. so, i don't think i got my money's worth. but i had fun!!!
i have a boyfriend now. he grew up in hyde park. he knows everyone. he has a similar sense of humour as mine. he is masculine and protective and chivalrous but not to the point where i feel like i'm being protected because i am female; rather, i feel he is protecting me because i am close to him. i am ridiculously happy.
and it just proves my basic stand. if you go looking for someone you will never find that person. if you just go about your business you wil eventually find someone who stops your heart. (one time my cousin, whom i love very much but don't understand, referred to a recent dating spree of hers as "interviewing potential husbands." icky.)
and for all the haters out there: this is not a dysfun(k)tional sociopath like usual. so there. this is for real.
i did a bad thing the other day: i laughed at a child's pain. i couldn't help it, really. there was this kid with a huge shock of red hair and a smug face like a peanut butter commercial. he was balancing on a fence made of pipe, so it's round and slippery...and his dad was holding his hand, and the boy was so proud of his balance....until he slipped off and racked himself.....which is when he started hollering for his daddy. is it wrong that i laughed so hard i had to turn a corner early so i could laugh my ass off? if it is, i don't care.
Sorry the concert wasn't more adventurous, but still--pretty damn cool!
Bigtooth, at 4:50 PM
Feeling better?
Bigtooth, at 6:26 PM
And I just heard an M.I.A. song in a Honda commercial.
Bigtooth, at 7:28 PM
i saw that ad too!
i do feel better, but i think i now have hay fever or something. or it could be because i don't sleep enough! :)
bipolarity, at 11:15 AM
it is almost always permissable to laugh at a child's pain, as long as it is not life-threatening. Especially arrogant, proud children....
especially red-heads.
Anonymous, at 3:38 PM
Ha ha ha! Darwin says you should definitely laugh your ass off!
Anonymous, at 11:56 PM
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