lightkeeper under the blanket

Tuesday, July 1

so far i have been very productive for a day off: i made pancakes for my parents before dad had to pre-donate blood, i cleaned a ton of old brush off one deck and swept it, i scraped and swept racoon poo off another deck, i did a little weeding and pruning, i got probably too much sun, and i cleaned and vacuumed my car.

i also marked a page in a book i have -- a humourous article on how to tell keats from shelley -- with a scrap of paper -- a clipping about a ziggy marley concert coming up -- to give to cute-boy-from-work. i may be putting too much effort into this for a simple friendship. hrmm. also, when i was cleaning out my car, i found that note that he brought for me to proofread, to a girl he liked who was mad at him. i was embarrassed to have found it--it's an incredibly honest if innocent letter--and i slipped that inside the book as well.

i am organizing my netflix list as well. i think it's so funny to compare the films i add to the queue with the films my parents add.


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