lightkeeper under the blanket

Friday, January 9

dear rooty-patootie, did you know that "good on you" is a quintessentially australian expression?

K and i watched this awesome film about a rather strange and little-publicized byproduct of the second world war. the UK, fearing that the nazis would somehow destroy or manipulate their scientists of jewish or other "minority" descent, sent said endangered scientists to camps in canada and australia to protect them until the war was over. so this film we watched was about a bunch of jews who somehow ended up in australia. it was actually quite lovely. when the people decided they needed all the trappings of a community, like a newspaper and a library and an orchestra, they were having trouble naming their new currency. after hearing more than one australian officer say "good on ya, mate," these eastern european types decided to name their currency the "gudonya."

heh. maybe you have to see it. but it made us laugh. most of the jokes in the film are at the expense of the australians. as it should be.

please, no one throw kangaroo dung at me.

so working at the book store is going fairly well. i only have one truly annoying co-worker. and i get to see cute college-age boys all day. and the best benefit is seeing people i haven't seen in years. in the last two days i've seen one old friend from high school and three friends from nerd camp. supercool, as the swiss would say with their guttural flair.

that chinese cookbook i checked out from the library is actually an encyclopedia of chinese cooking. i chose it because i admired another cookbook i'd read by the same author. but this one is really doing my head in. after three nights i am finally finished reading descriptions of the 40 primary methods of cooking. i think we in the "west" have about ten.


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