funny thing: i have a page from last sunday's comics and i still can't decide which to cut out: the "get fuzzy" referencing noah's ark or (on the opposite side) the classic "peanuts" discussing the tone of the prophet isaiah. now really, how often are there two hebrew bible references in the sunday comics??? of course, the peanuts strip also has charlie brown falling for lucy's football trick once again....
i feel like i'm getting know people in my program on a superficial basis, finally. i am going to try to go more events. i just feel like staying home and studying and watching TV all the time.
today was a brilliant exception, as is every day i spend with nate. we saw a different part of the neighborhood than i knew last time, before classes had started. we walked my route to campus, had lunch, took a tour of a frank lloyd wright house, saw my workplace and class-place, and walked around the historical jackson park. then we chilled at my apartment and it was great fun listening to music and looking at pictures. yay! someday nate will kill me by walking. awesome.
now i have made peanut sauce, and soon i will make noodles, broccoli, and tofu to go with it.
i miss england terribly tonight. i am listening to the MP3s i ripped from tamara, spice girls and fatboy slim and the rest. i am listening to hefner. i cry, i want my things back, i wish i had done things differently, i wish i could still be there. i want to see the pub and ask the people there why they never told me K was screwing me over. i really, really want my things back. my greek dictionary! my hebrew bible! my perfume!
i have started going to chapel on wednesdays. it's good and progressive. we pray for god to give us anger and tears to fight social injustice. things like that. last wednesday my advisor sat behind me. i have a tiny crush on him.
it's so weird for me to see professors that look like K and to remember i have lived with a man of their age and education. how strange.
i talked to frank after he broke up with me, and everything with him was the same, and i was angry and yelling. he feels the same way about me as he always has, and i have emotions that have changed and grown and changed again. it was also disconcerting. he mailed me a book about richard j. daley, so that i may know about the more corrupt era of chicago's government.
i say "more" because it's apparently still corrupt.
tim, do you think that hefner's "i stole a bride" is about helen of troy?
oh shit, it is. i just looked at the bloody website myself.
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