can't sleep.
i am excited about my birthday, SUPER excited about seeing old friends again, excited about different friends meeting each other.
too bad--perfect sleeping temperatures tonight. mmmm, 68, how i love you.
so i have this little list of things to say on my blog and now two weeks later some of them don't make sense.
"jon stewart said 'snuffy smith!!!'" reads one. i guess my favorite sexy host mentioned the comic strip that makes me hate the world most. interesting. thank god i've never had to see that piece of shit since i moved out of ohio--des moines and chicago papers don't run it. probably because it's not funny.
let's see....oh! this one i get. i just finished _haunted_ by chuck palahniuk, author of _fight club_. it was extremely disturbing. yet i kept reading it. and i never went looking for this book. i just needed something to get me through eight hours in the teeny-tiny shop where i work. it did the trick. i grabbed it at random, recognizing only the author's name and having read none of his work...or so i thought.
you see, i have pretty damn good eyesight. good enough that i can sit behind someone on the bus and read their newspaper while she's reading it. and i was on the bus back from nate's one time and i was checking out the book a girl in front of me was reading. and i thought, what kind of fucked-up shit is that? it's so violent! and i was reading this strange, ugly, fascinating story, one of the last chapters in the book struck me immediately. i knew exactly where i had seen it about three weeks ago. coincidence? or is mr. palahniuk trying to tell me something?
i have here also a note that says "i never want to live a life where the traffic report part of the news is important to me."
and, finally, a sign i saw:
"You Can Earn Your High School Diploma with in 30 Day"
maybe i'll try sleeping now. toast and yogurt in tummy, blog guilt off my on my face...sheet on my back...
eek! i didn't even talk about the german exam. it was okay. i feel okay. even satisfied, perhaps. but certainly not cocksure. or even sure without the cock. the first passage was difficult. it was about austrian patriotism. the second passage was about the flu vaccine, so it was easy to understand and there were lots of good medical words that barely needed to be translated.
i will find out in about a month if i got a "high pass." okay, now back to bed.
I just finished taking my summer finals today...calculus swimming in my vision. There is a girl in my class who just read haunted and was (unfortunately) recounting some stories from it while we were studying this girl ran away.
I looked at the stats the other day for my program, and it is 75% women...that's a lot of estrogen...oy!
Anonymous, at 12:03 PM
Snuffy Smith is awful, but my personal nemeses are Marmaduke and Family Circus.
Glad this exam felt better, at least, if still not exactly exuberant.
Bigtooth, at 8:45 AM
YAY!! how was your birthday? did you have a lot of fun? My sister's birthday managed to stretch from friday to sunday. We went to Indian on saturday. I thought of you. I got that eggplant/peas dish at a nice 8/10 could have been hotter. What kind of loot did you pull in?
Anonymous, at 8:13 AM
can you send me your address in an email or something please?
Anonymous, at 8:27 AM
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