"four minutes to go time! every year, on time! let's go! i'm looking for the pipers...."
yes, there is a parade forming in the parking lot below my windows. so i'm up here jamming out to the band and watching the kids with decorated bikes and the girls in the drill team and people with banners advertising their shops. it's a good kickoff to the holiday. i've got two BBQs to go to today. yay! i made two bowls of pasta salad.
HORSES! oh boy!
"stay behind the band! DO NOT GO in front of the band!"
i am also trying to do my german Hausaufgabe for tomorrow. i don't think it will quite get done. oh wait. it is now "go time." so it's getting quiet. and i think i can work now. whew! quite a morning...it started with tape-recorded banjo patriotic songs as the registration began. (the band is infinitely preferable.)
now to do some german, shower, and get ready.
that is so cute...it brings back memories of high school...not that I was in the band...but they practiced all summer long in the field across the street from my house. So I would go out on the porch with the paper and a drink and rock out to the drums.
Anonymous, at 12:09 PM
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