today when i got to work the turkish consulate and the speaker of the turkish parliament were taking a tour. there were secret service guys all over the place. it was really really funny. the boy who sits at the info desk and i were laughing about it.
i am doing the most ludicrous things to distract myself from the thought of finals. i am having a really hard time coming up with a topic for this class where i'm kind of out of my depth. one other final is a shoo-in (regurgitate, just have to wait to get the topic...) and the other is a weekly paper and no final.
frank might come here this summer. then again, he said that last summer... and i have gotten a couple other invitations from friends... so i need to figure out what the hell i'm doing.
i might get a job transcribing interviews.
summer tiiiiimeeee.
yay! semi-freedom...for you. hey, we want to visit this, in the first two weeks of august, because those are the only weeks off this summer I might have. what are you up to for that? or maybe you could visit here...we have a pull out couch and we just got a futon.
Anonymous, at 5:20 PM
I work with a couple of Turks. I always want to ask them what they think about the oppression of Kurds in their country (thanks, Schubel), but I keep my mouth shut, mostly.
Bigtooth, at 8:55 PM
I like fried turkey.
Reunion weekend just wasn't the same without you. But it was still fun. :) And there's always next year.
Keep a little piece of summer-time open for my visit, too.
Please and thank you, ma'am.
Anonymous, at 11:27 PM
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