my birthday weekend was very satisfying. T&T stayed the weekend, so i had lots of laughs, lots of good food, lots of walking and talking. i got to show off the neighborhood, which i love doing. i think that we should hit the museum of science and industry and jackson park when you guys come again!
my party was pretty cool--kind of laid-back. i felt like i had to keep moving, talking to everyone, and so i don't really remember what i talked about with anyone. but hey, it's just great to have so many friends who wanted to come over to see me, to nosh and chat and drink. of course i grossly overestimated how much people might eat and i will be eating this stuff for the rest of the week. i don't even know what to do with all the olives. but i think i can handle having potatoes and cake on hand for the next few days!
yesterday i went on a great walk to the beach near here. i'd never even considered walking there before, but now i think it will be a semi-regular jaunt. also i got offered drugs on the street for the second time in my life. so i guess now i look like what i am? i don't know.
today i am looking for new apartments online. i should go to work but it's just damn hot again today. this weekend my parents are coming to celebrate my birthday. we are eating at someplace yummy!!! full disclosure later.
why, what do you look like that you think you look like what you should look like to be offered drugs?
i think I just confused myself.
Anonymous, at 4:09 PM
i don't know, maybe i look less "good" now or something. by which i am not referring to attractiveness but a certain kind of dangerous quality...probably wishful thinking. i think this particular incident was because i was shakin' it down the street in my spider man t-shirt.
bipolarity, at 10:48 AM
I'm glad you had a good birthday. I was actually intending to call you on your birthday, but then as it turned out I was in canada and also I had forgotten my address book with your number at home. And then, oddly enough, it was also the birthday of one of the people I was with. Do you know that I have 2 friends born July 30th, and 2 friends born July 31st? Do you find that odd? Do you think that maybe astrology has something to do with it? I wonder. That is a high percentage of my friends.
I am serious about coming to visit. August or September. I'm going to call soon. We shall plan, yes?
Loooove you. :)
Anonymous, at 12:04 AM
you are fucking AWESOME!!! spiderman tee shirt? that is so cool. You have a dangerous air about you now? mayhap like le femme nikita?!!!
Anonymous, at 1:18 PM
address, por favor?
Anonymous, at 10:52 PM
address, por favor?
Anonymous, at 10:52 PM
So, I'm not sure if you are a fan, but I am betting you are, so I am letting you know, if you don't know already...
Anthony Bourdain has a new show on Travel Channel called "No Reservations" and it's fucking awesome. Have you seen it? It's on Mondays at 10pm (in my time zone, anyway). Last episode, he was hanging around New Jersey with Mario Batali. (Unfortunately, there was no opportunity for anyway to say "Oh, Rooon!") Next episode is in Vietnam. Woot.
And also, Fox is turning "Kitchen Confidential" into a sitcom that's going to be on in the fall. I'm nervous about what Fox might do to it, but I'm so totally going to watch.
Rah rah rah! xoxo
ps. nobody has EVER offered me drugs on the street! why not, i wonder?
Anonymous, at 6:12 PM
i will be stuck in an airport hotel near o'hare tomorrow until friday for some paid-for indoctrination. i'm going to try and get into the city to see my sister, maybe i will run into you? you never know... email me ((((kearamullen at gmail))))))
Anonymous, at 4:04 PM
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