yay, finally sold something on amazon. found a nice little uptick in my checking account this morning, and now i'm off to the post office to mail the videos.
i go to school, i write exams
if i pass, if i fail, if i drop out
does anyone give a damn?
and if they do, they'll soon forget
'cause it won't take much for me
to show my life ain't over yet
i didn't get into the PhD program. i found out just before i had to go to work, and there was a party afterwards...i spent two hours thinking about it at work, and i talked to mom and mike, and i felt...okay. really sad. but okay. i went to the party even though i was worried people would ask me about the outcome (everyone was sure to, especially nervous first-year MAs). sure enough, the first person i saw when i got through the door was this guy i don't like who asked me if i got in or not. i swallowed hard and said no. he then told me that almost no one else got in either, including several friends i consider much brighter and more disciplined than myself/i (never sure how to use the pronoun there).
so, the rest of the party was very comforting. i talked to everyone about their opinions, and got some intel that the outside candidates this year were basically fucking brilliant and blew all the internal candidates away. so. what can i do about that? it's not personal. and after almost a week of the five stages of (gentle) grief, i'm pretty good. i've already started researching jobs. thinking of moving to a less expensive area of the city than hyde park...somewhere closer to my friends, restaurants/bars, bookstores, etc. somewhere closer to potential jobs! i also talked to someone at the party about $$$. she said she and her husband both have two jobs now and are still hemorrhaging money. i'm glad that's not just me either. i feel like a real loser when i have to call home for a check just so i can make rent/bills. sigh.
I know what that feels like, the money thing. If I were on my own right now, I would only be able to afford to eat Ramen every day for every meal and wear rags. Are you going to apply to any other programs or just start a new chapter in your life with working?
Anonymous, at 7:44 PM
How is the month of April for you so far? Are you going to the reunion, or no?
Anonymous, at 11:11 AM
I am sorry you didn't make it into the PhD program. Perhaps you are meant for other things. Possibly more lucrative things, right? :)
And now, the question of the moment is this: Are you going to reunion? I am chauffeuring Comrade Stalinroot and myself for the weekend. I am sure we could pick you up from the airport if you would be in need of that service. I hope (hope hope hope hope!) that you will be there. Let me know.
Anonymous, at 11:05 AM
Your fans clamor for an answer! :)
Anonymous, at 7:39 PM
another fan gets in line.
i'll be coming to reunion too. and i would love love love to see you. i'm staying in the dorm jungle, like the divine miss j above (or so she told me). will be arriving that thursday morning via air & rental car.
please call, write, or email. i know it's still two months away, but i'm giddy as a returning alumna!
Anonymous, at 3:07 PM
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