lightkeeper under the blanket

Monday, November 8

went to bed two hours ago. typically, can't get to sleep.

things that are awesome:

* seeing a shrink for free at student health. he is fantastic. wow. i have waited a long time for this kind of professional relationship.

* friend from iowa here last weekend, friends from PA here next weekend. and nate's b-day! kick-ass, so much celebrating to be done. must catch up with work before that.

* listening to franz ferdinand.

* totally amazing TA walking me partway home from class although she has never spoken to me before. god, she's so lovely and amazing. wow. envy.

* my hebrew prof wants to give me extra work. i THINK that's good, although also a pain in the ass time-wise. mostly a big compliment skill-wise. or not so much since, duh, i'm basically repeating the course.

* feeling lots of good. shapes of trees, expressions on the passers-by, the light, everything.

* um, i have been hooking up with this boy....more details if it ever becomes more than that. yep. tee hee, kid rock!

* i dyed my hair back to dark brown and it is awesome.

* been out a couple times with a rad girl from one of the seminaries in the neighborhood and her cool roommate. also a totally hot cowboy from my program. and yeah, aforementioned boy, who has invited me to be on his quiz team. shades of K...


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