wow, sorry about the long-time-no-post. gotta make this quick, too.
i just read all of the messages you guys have been posting. yay! i just registered last night right after reading all of them. i will be bringing mike, and i requested to be housed near y'all too. yay yay yay yay yay.
in other news, fighting sucks and i hate it and i am pissed off today.
YAY!!!!!!!!! so much fun!! do you know yet how you are getting there?
Anonymous, at 1:55 PM
fighting does suck. I do it a lot.
Anonymous, at 10:58 AM
i agree that fighting sucks, but, surprisingly enough, i do very little of it. i can't remember the last time i did any fighting. maybe around two months ago when this idiot i work with got mad that i gave her a bad audit. maybe if she wasn't incompetent, she would've had a better audit. i'm just sayin'. (i didn't say that to her, though. I'd like to.)
Anonymous, at 3:56 PM
dear ladies,
my lazy ass finally registered for reunion this evening while putting in late hours at work. we're flying in on thursday, picking up the rental car at around 1 pm, and that's about as far as i've planned. keara mentioned being in town and possibly having drinks, although she didn't seem too keen on having them at kenyon.
i am doing the dorms and requested to be housed by you. registered for the class dinner and breakfast on friday morning *just in case*. also reserved a spot for the parish house lunch, 'cause it's on my things-i-never-did-and-must-get-a-second-chance-at list.
so i'm super excited now. which means coming back after only three days of a return to frolicking at kenyon is going to be a serious downer. i can't beleive i'm already thinking about that. anyway, very anxious to see all of you & hang out.
have any of you guys seen the new athletic center? i was bored earlier and checked out the virtual tour, and lemme tell you, it's a behemoth compared to what we had in our time. they have a café in there, for goodness' sake!
please excuse my sleep-deprived ramblings... just giddy about the whole reunion affair.
can we rent bikes out there? maybe in vernon? i wouldn't mind biking the kokosing gap trail... something else to cross off on that darned list.
becky: fighting sucks but is cathartic. sometimes if you've been at it long enough, even if you feel you've not been getting anywhere, suddenly one day you realize you have, and the fights and failed attempts at communication have actually made a dent, smoothed and polished the rougher jags. the bad news: i don't think it ever stops, although maybe it gets less nasty. does that make sense?
looks like i need to get my own blog. geez. sorry...
five weeks to go!
Anonymous, at 11:46 PM
I got my registration confirmation in the mail today - I am going to be in 20 Lewis.
I HAVE seen the new athletic center, and it is gigundous. Quite shocking. There are other changes around campus that kind of freak me "the KC" is now a coffee shop called "middle grounds", and it doesn't even feel like you are in gambier when you are inside.
Also, everyone walking around campus with cell phones nowadays kind of blows my mind a little, too.
It has occured to me, too, that it will be sad when it's over. *sniff* I just hope it won't feel really anti-climactic.
Anonymous, at 3:19 PM
That cell phone thing? People had the phones there, the problem was just that Kenyon was like, a blank zone on the map when it came to cell service. I spose that has changed or whatever.
Anonymous, at 9:34 PM
cell service has improved. it's not great, but servicable, most of the time.
two years ago when i was out there for sendoff, i was disturbed by the piles (literally!) of cell phones the students had on the tables. it made me feel old.
Anonymous, at 1:06 AM
you are old....looooooove.
Anonymous, at 1:49 PM
shut up! you are OLDER! nyah, nyah.
Anonymous, at 7:54 PM
that last comment sounded different in my head.
Anonymous, at 10:46 PM
finally received my room assignment in the mail today: 22 lewis. woohoo! what about you, becky and root?
Anonymous, at 10:22 PM
ms. becky, i have issued a command to show your face at myspace. get over there. and tell us where you are staying for reunion! is you-know-who going to be your roommate? vile rumors are spreading!
Anonymous, at 12:22 AM
um, I think I am clueless about my rooming situation. When I have a free moment, I think I will dig through all this crap...or maybe, I can just call the school and ask
Anonymous, at 8:43 AM
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