lightkeeper under the blanket

Thursday, March 27

1) i am doing a fairly good job of being happier, i think.

2) i must say again how much i love my new shoes. i haven't had shoes like this in so long. i have my steel-capped big black boots, i have my birkenstocks, both specially bought because they are made of vegetarian leather alternatives. but these new shoes are shoes to go places in! i have shoes to walk and lift weights in, and i have really really cute new adidas that i love to bits. yay.

3) i really bonded with someone last night. i saw her arm; she knew i saw her arm, and she knew that i knew what had happened, and i tried to protect her from a nosy guy who saw her arm as well. we talked about it later when she felt like bringing it up. she and i drove around for an hour waiting for a girl who never called us. then we sat on the couch and drank espresso. i had one beer. i am a good girl. i didn't even like it that much. and i turned down some guy who tried to buy me a drink earlier in the evening. good me. got home in the dawn hours again, but sober and pleased with life.

4) jennylee is gone, which is sad. but we had a nice time drinking green tea and riding around and trying to reconstruct last saturday night. and we ate bread and petted the cat at my ex-crush's house. it was nice. i also have naomi, who grew up near oxford, as a new friend. yay for new friends.

5) i am going to see a musical version of cinderella tonight, i guess. i don't want to go. but maybe i will like it.

6) just found out one of my friends was in the hospital this week. i wish he were happy. i think all my friends deserve to be happy.

7) TV is boring. i am trying to read a book about chemistry.

8) i got the job!!! i don't start for another week, but i think that's a positive thing because i can spend more time here at home getting settled: unpacking (i am slow at this) and starting the garden and working on the techniques that i am trying to perfect at the moment (bread, traditional chinese vegetarian dishes, taming the chipotles en adobo). and soon i will have money. i have to take a TB test for my job. i guess they don't want any tuberculosis in the food, for some reason. i bet it kills old people or something. tee. i'm glad it's only a TB test i have to pass... and soon i will have money. sigh of relief.


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