on monday, i inadvertently became part of the gigantic mass of people demonstrating in downtown chicago for immigrant rights. see, the el stop i needed to use was closed...and the alternative entrance was across the street where the march was taking place. i can't describe how it felt--i mean other than the fact that i felt like a jerk for basically budging my way *across* a parade, of all things--the second i got off the bus downtown and i could hear thousands and thousands of people chanting...i have never in my life seen or heard so many people together. in person. i've seen it on TV. but this felt so amazing and powerful. it genuinely made me weepy.
i got a free haircut off craigslist and i like it. i like it better than the last one i got, which made me look too much like a boy.
i am so excited about the reunion i feel all giggly and silly inside.
i hate school, which i would legitimately be able to do if i were more involved with it. but i'm not, so here i am hating something i barely participate in. not entitled am i.
free haircut! that's so awesome! that's what i need!
that sounds amazing, running into the protest. wow.
"i am so excited about the reunion i feel all giggly and silly inside."
ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I canNOT wait!
Anonymous, at 9:39 PM
I am scared about the reunion....sort of nervous sick, like getting up in front of the congregation to give my sedra report...like, I know all these people, and generally, they are not outright mean people, but I am going to die right now...sort of feeling.
And there was an anti-war march in the neighborhood I work one Saturday, it was awesome! All these hippies and college kids and random people with signs and drums and screaming about Bush...and then, at the end came a wall of mounted police, that part was kind of scary cause the police were, like, six feet above the ground, ten feet total...like the deep end of the pool.
Anonymous, at 10:57 PM
My girlfriend participated in the protest down on OSU's campus, and I'm awfully proud of her. I'm proud of people in general, really--it's nice to know there is something that will actually motivate people to act once in a while.
Mounted police give you a sense of why cavalry was so effective, don't they? It seems sort of silly ("It's just a horse!") until there's one bearing down on you.
Bigtooth, at 9:17 AM
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