lightkeeper under the blanket

Saturday, June 3

"sexy baby and bad erection?"

now THERE is a subject line that would almost make me open a spam email. of course, it's probably because when i read it i thought of "sexy babay" and jen and jess saying it and making me laugh. also of the time when everyone at a party i was at stopped talking suddenly and i was still talking really loudly and everyone heard me say, "don't have sex with dead babies!" and i still don't remember what that conversation was about.

still processing reunion.


  • First of all:
    The was the hardest I have laughed all week.
    Second of all:
    I was sitting with some classmates at a restaraunt and we were talking about goats or something and the subject turned to goat farmers who have sex with their goats and then I yelled out "Yeah, like, what if you were the product of that? You wouldn't be a son-of-a-bitch, you'd be a son-of-a-GOAT!!"...And then my physics teacher from 11th grade tapped me on my shoulder and said, "Oh! Jessica! I *thought* that was you! How nice to see you again."


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:20 PM  

  • Actually, it's "Sex-ay like Bay-beee", and for some reason I can no longer remember, we were applying that to jp mag.enis. Ha.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:04 AM  

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