i just got a job! i will be an assistant at a cooking school (how perfect is that?). it's kind of a long commute, but i think i'll look forward to having some quiet time to read a book or listen to my music, which i don't like to do while walking for safety reasons. i knew the interview went well but it took them 2 weeks to call so i was starting to lose hope.
i just went back to iowa for a few days. it was for the funeral of someone i loved very much, and it was sad for that reason. but it was also relaxing, and i got to spend much more time with my parents than i did graduation weekend. also, it gave me a chance to break the unhealthy beer-swilling-staying-up-too-late-and-watching-crap-TV cycle i've been in.
graduation was great but exhausting and emotional. my grandma, aunt and uncle, parents, boyfriend, and two closest friends and i went to dinner and it was delicious. i finally got to eat at green zebra the next night, with mike, mom, and dad.
the reunion was great. but...it was all a blur. completely. not enough time to see everyone, pulled in a lot of directions. the absolute highlight was when mike and i spent the afternoon with my dearest favorite professor and his wife. they are the most genuine, gentle, wonderful people, and it was the most time i've ever spent there (when i wasn't there for a classics party). we got to see books and art and we talked about all kinds of things, and went for a drive, and it was so comforting.
it was so amazing to see all of my friends again! sylvia, jess, jessica, meghaan, and all kinds of people. i felt like talking to everyone--although some people didn't want me to talk to other people. but i didn't care, because i was just really glad to be back and glad to see everyone, even people i have bad memories of or who probably have bad memories of me. i had a lot of fun. i think i consumed a bit too much free beer, which contributed to the blur. also i wish i had taken a couple more naps or something, because i went to bed way too early saturday night and missed the peeps lounge goings-on. :(
well, i must wrap up for now, although i have more about which to reminisce. (my god, gambier. i miss it so much.) i am entertaining two young ladies this afternoon and they are getting restless.
I think my best times at the reunion were when I got to chat with Schortman and Urban in their offices. We talked politics, schools, health issues, how Pittsburgh has changed. It was really nice. The other best time was when meghaan and I got to go out for dinner to Peggy Sue's and have wonderful pie and just chill and see a movie. That was very nice.
I am glad you got a chance to talk with your professor.
Anonymous, at 10:38 PM
I was in services today wondering what you were up to.
Anonymous, at 12:54 PM
yo, b, shoulda come down south that saturday night. it was one of my reunion highlights. or rather, one of my "feels like old times" times there. some of those pictures have been removed from public view, ahem. cove on that friday night was another of those deja vu times. i think you were there somewhere, but i did not see you, alas.
(speaking of "alas", did i tell you that that crazy girl, Kat [remember her??], who used to feel the need to say "and alack" all the time, is on myspace? i almost fell out of my chair laughing when i found her. oh my.)
congratulations on graduation, and the new job! how long is your long commute? will you be teaching people to make cheese nests? ;)
Anonymous, at 5:56 PM
Kat--not Ariel?
"Entertaining two young ladies" sounds suggestive...
Bigtooth, at 7:06 PM
Yay! Kat! Alas and Alack, sigh sigh sigh. Mayhap? cue baroque woodwinds.
Anonymous, at 4:49 PM
...but the job sounds awesome! I can't wait to hear more.
Bigtooth, at 7:35 AM
No, really--tell us more.
Bigtooth, at 10:19 PM
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