tell you more, you clamor!
work is good. i really enjoy most of what i have to do, so the days kind of fly by. i do a little bit of everything, which is just how i like it. i prep recipes for classes (portioning out the ingredients each team of students will need), i cook for catering events like b-day parties and weddings, i clean/organize the kitchen and storage, and i assist the chefs when they are teaching. that involves just making sure each student has what he or she needs. utensils, drinks (water for everyone, booze for some of the grownups--there's a cash bar for evening classes), extra ingredients, or some helpful advice. i like most of my co-workers a lot. of course, there's always that one person who grates on everyone else, but almost everyone is smart and funny and great to work with. NOT like the nursing home kitchens at all! :) i have gotten lots of positive comments from my supervisors.
however, my kick-ass performance has been tarnished somewhat by being late several times due to missing my train. the train only leaves once an hour, so when i miss it by a few minutes, i am really screwed. once, two weeks ago, i knocked on the closed doors of the train 1 minute before the scheduled departure and the conductor just shrugged. apparently there was nothing he could do about it. i cried like a little girl, hoping he would take pity. when he didn't, had been a really bad day already and i was at the breaking point. i started screaming obscenities. realizing i would probably be arrested if i kept it up, i retreated to the bathroom to sob, and subsequently to an outdoor patio bar for a bloody mary and a good think. was i losing it?
for a few days i wasn't really eating or sleeping very much, and i actually got quite sick after the grand opening of the new store. i had cooked for about 12 hours, barely ate, and then decided that i sure would like to join the rest of the staff in a few drinks. i was so sick for two days. now i am more confident in just leaving work for a few minutes to sit and eat something, and i've really upped my water intake. i don't have official "break times" and so i'm like a little hamster that just keeps going around and around.
it's kind of weird there because i don't even have specific hours scheduled. i get "AM" or "PM" and then i just have to talk to people to see when everyone else is planning to get there. also, there's never been any kind of orientation for new employees. i know what i'm doing, but the new people don't know all the principles of sanitation, and i've been trying to get the chaos under control rather single-handedly.
i am hoping to move much closer to the train. getting from home to the train is the daily olympic challenge. since sprinting up elevators sucks, i am going to close now. i hope this update was interesting. ;)
It was tres interesting!
Drinking a hella lot of water is key to keeping yourself up and alert all the time. I drink tea as well.
I have had a few jobs with no scheduled breaks too, so I schedule them for myself. Also, after I quit smoking, there were absolutely no breaks for me...I scheduled myself "fresh air" breaks...
That sucks about the train schedule. my bus schedule is one every half an hour or more...but if one is late or broken down somewhere, it is impossible to know and I have been very late on account of heavy traffic and broken down buses.
What kind of food do you cook?
Anonymous, at 5:23 PM
Very enlightening, indeed! Thanks! I would have commented earlier, but the pop-up window wasn't working on my machine for some reason.
You do find the most unusual jobs, though--all that lack of structure. The part about serving drinks sounds kind of fun, though. Do you get to mix cocktails?
Bigtooth, at 3:38 PM
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