i'm sorry i haven't posted in so very long.
my job is still wonderful, but now fraught with all kinds of drama and in-fighting. i think the roots of the problems are that we expanded the business too fast and have a lot of employees working together in a small space. add into that our propensity for gossip and, forgive me, the white person's tendency towards passive-aggressiveness. we bitch and moan a lot about each other, in hallways and on smoke breaks, and even in the same room at a whisper. that said, i still love everyone at work so much and i feel almost a family connection to them. that said...(yes, again)
for financial reasons i decided to find a second job. my new job is working for one of the largest food stores in chicago. i work in a refrigerated kitchen, so it's usually around 45 degrees in there. i occasionally go out and warm my hands over the pasta kettle. i've only worked there a week. so far, everyone seems really friendly, funny, and yet still professional. i make a little less than at the other job, but i am hoping to maximize my earnings through some clever scheduling. i start at 7 am and need to be on the bus by 6:15, so right now i'm feeling pretty sleepy...
other updates will probably be forthcoming. i think.
yay! updates! holy moly! Yay more than one job! yay exclamation points!
Anonymous, at 5:07 PM
that's a lot of working, yo! are you super exhausted? i would be.
hey, i live in ukrainian village. maybe we should convene for libations some time.
Anonymous, at 10:54 PM
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