lost my job. that sucks. a lot. i am broke and in debt and i miss cooking every morning and cleaning up after my totally scatterbrained boss.
but! i have been getting up early (with K's help) and going to the library and starting to really concentrate on my grad school application. i don't think there's any way i'll be accepted to the most prestigious university in the world, but i'll never forgive myself if i don't try.
today i am making samosas. (samosae?)
so now that i can't afford much of a birthday present for K, let alone a holiday for our one-year anniversary, i may have to break down and cook him a haunch of venison or something like that. let's hope it never comes to meat....
today is lovely outside and i need an idea for someplace to walk. i know i should go see something i haven't seen before. hmm. i was supposed to go to london with columbo and his friend fisher but i don't think fisher ever got here, and columbo can't afford a phone anymore, so....
something really nice: a friend from kenyon here for the next few months. i already took him to my pub and the synagogue. good stuff. i feel really useful being able to help him find his way around. oh! idea! maybe i will walk down to the botanical gardens today. i know brian did that when he was here last december, so they definitely don't close in the winter.....yes, good idea. i am smart.
meanwhile, i will lay off the cigarettes. this country is very bad for my health.