lightkeeper under the blanket

Monday, June 19

i just got a job! i will be an assistant at a cooking school (how perfect is that?). it's kind of a long commute, but i think i'll look forward to having some quiet time to read a book or listen to my music, which i don't like to do while walking for safety reasons. i knew the interview went well but it took them 2 weeks to call so i was starting to lose hope.

i just went back to iowa for a few days. it was for the funeral of someone i loved very much, and it was sad for that reason. but it was also relaxing, and i got to spend much more time with my parents than i did graduation weekend. also, it gave me a chance to break the unhealthy beer-swilling-staying-up-too-late-and-watching-crap-TV cycle i've been in.

graduation was great but exhausting and emotional. my grandma, aunt and uncle, parents, boyfriend, and two closest friends and i went to dinner and it was delicious. i finally got to eat at green zebra the next night, with mike, mom, and dad.

the reunion was great. was all a blur. completely. not enough time to see everyone, pulled in a lot of directions. the absolute highlight was when mike and i spent the afternoon with my dearest favorite professor and his wife. they are the most genuine, gentle, wonderful people, and it was the most time i've ever spent there (when i wasn't there for a classics party). we got to see books and art and we talked about all kinds of things, and went for a drive, and it was so comforting.

it was so amazing to see all of my friends again! sylvia, jess, jessica, meghaan, and all kinds of people. i felt like talking to everyone--although some people didn't want me to talk to other people. but i didn't care, because i was just really glad to be back and glad to see everyone, even people i have bad memories of or who probably have bad memories of me. i had a lot of fun. i think i consumed a bit too much free beer, which contributed to the blur. also i wish i had taken a couple more naps or something, because i went to bed way too early saturday night and missed the peeps lounge goings-on. :(

well, i must wrap up for now, although i have more about which to reminisce. (my god, gambier. i miss it so much.) i am entertaining two young ladies this afternoon and they are getting restless.

Saturday, June 3

"sexy baby and bad erection?"

now THERE is a subject line that would almost make me open a spam email. of course, it's probably because when i read it i thought of "sexy babay" and jen and jess saying it and making me laugh. also of the time when everyone at a party i was at stopped talking suddenly and i was still talking really loudly and everyone heard me say, "don't have sex with dead babies!" and i still don't remember what that conversation was about.

still processing reunion.