i know i haven't posted in a while. what to say?
norway was wonderful. frank is...well, frank. it's not a pun since it's not his real name. that is to say, he is explicit, not sexually (yes, that too) but in the way he articulates his feelings. unlike me, he has no problem whatsoever saying exactly what he is feeling and why. it's lovely. we sat by the water, ate lovely meals, drank beer under the rather chilly stars....since smoking has been outlawed indoors, everyone sits outside under the huge plaid blankets every bar provides for its patrons. while he was in meetings, i shopped. a lot. i bought amazing clothes for surprisingly little money. i never got to a museum since they don't even open until 11 am. it was good. i was in oslo as i expected, but there was also a surprise trip to bergen. oooo, our first time on an airplane together! :)
what else....it's been passover. i went to the hillel seder here and it sucked. it really did. rush rush rush through the whole damn thing, no songs, no nothing, and all i could eat was boiled eggs, roasted peppers, and quinoa, which i think i hate. not that the omnivores had it any easier...one half of our table left the seder for burgers and beer, after picking half-heartedly at the miscellaneous grey loaves offered on the meat table.
but last night i had three lovely people over for some matzah lasagne. disparate folks=good times once again. really nice. i went to bed happy.
i think the new hitchhiker's film will probably be lackluster, but MY GOD am i glad the rest of the world is realizing how sexy+wonderful martin freeman is!!! yay!
so, the other night i was walking home (25 mins, heavy books) and i stopped at the produce mart to buy fruits and veg, and as i was continuing on my way i was crossing the driveway to a gas station. after i had crossed it, a car pulled in behind me, and the guy driving the car started yelling out his window that he hated pedestrians who were slow like me, and how we think we own the place. i ignored him until he parked his car at the gas pump, got out of the car, and kept yelling at me. at that point i turned around and asked, "do you have a problem?" he replied that his problem was me. i was nearly blind with rage, so i called my mom and told her the whole story. if i'd had eggs they would have landed on his car, but instead i just seethed inside. but then i thought, hey, at least *I* get up off my fat ass and WALK instead of driving around a city. what kind of fucking retard (and please forgive me for the non-PC language) needs to drive around this neighborhood anyway? plus i had my books and groceries! fuckhead.
what else. not sure. en general, very happy with school and life. looking forward to the summer in chicago: festivals, food, music, street life, and, of course, my ever-growing independent reading list.
p.s.: uri, if you're still reading, send me your new phone number. i am studying with a certain prof that i KNOW you know, and i want to tell you about him!!!
Saturday, April 30
Wednesday, April 13
i fell down over a week ago and got seven stitches put in my knee. they're out now and it is UG-ly but i am feeling mucho better.
um....i am going to norway on monday. with frank.
my parents are going to stay with me again this weekend. i need to be very disciplined with all this going on in my life. too bad i don't have enough damn work to do (for real, not being sarcastic). because, as you know, one of the great truths of life: the amount of work you have to do will expand to fit the amount of time you have available. that means no matter if i only have to read two lousy articles, it will take me the same amount of time as it takes to read six.
i am going to norway! fuck yeah!